Kung Fu Classes

Authentic. Traditional. Unique.

Welcome to Kung Fu Classes at UK Shaolin Centre!

Dive into the exhilarating world of Kung Fu with our comprehensive classes at the UK Shaolin Centre. Our program seamlessly blends traditional and modern Kung Fu and Wushu forms and weapons, offering a dynamic and enriching training experience.

What to Expect

Our Kung Fu classes cater to all skill levels, providing a well-rounded approach to martial arts training. Led by experienced instructors, each session is designed to enhance your physical abilities and mental focus through rigorous and disciplined practice.

Kung Fu Class Southampton
Kung Fu Classes

Class Components

  • Stretches and Stances: Develop flexibility and foundational strength through various stretches and traditional stances.
  • Kicks and Punches: Master an array of powerful kicks and punches, building speed and precision.
  • Jumps and Acrobatics: Learn dynamic jumps and acrobatic movements to enhance agility and coordination.
  • Combination Movements: Practise fluid and effective combinations of movements for both offence and defence.
  • Empty Hand Forms: Train in traditional and modern forms to perfect technique and flow.
  • Weapons Forms: Gain proficiency in handling various weapons, including staff (Gun), broadsword (Dao), straight sword (Jian), and spear (Qiang).
  • National and International Routines: Explore a variety of Kung Fu and Wushu routines from around the world, enriching your martial arts repertoire.

Benefits of Kung Fu

Kung Fu is not just a martial art; it is a way of life. Training in Kung Fu offers numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. It enhances strength, flexibility, coordination, and overall fitness levels. Kung Fu also fosters discipline, focus, and self-confidence, helping you develop a resilient mindset both on and off the training floor.

Kung Fu Class handstand
Kung Fu Weapon Training

Training Intensity

Our training involves moderate to high physicality, making it suitable for all individuals looking to challenge themselves and grow. Whether you are aiming to improve your physical fitness, learn self-defence, or immerse yourself in the art of Kung Fu, our classes provide the perfect environment for personal development.

Our Instructors

At UK Shaolin Centre, we have a team of dedicated and highly skilled instructors who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise with our students. They follow a traditional teaching approach, emphasising discipline, respect, and the transmission of authentic Kung Fu techniques. Our instructors provide individualised attention, ensuring that each student receives the guidance needed to progress and excel in their training.

Kung Fu Training Header 2023

Facilities & Amenities

Our Kung Fu training facility  is equipped with spacious training halls that provide ample space for students to practise and learn. We have high-quality training equipment and safety measures in place to ensure a safe and productive training environment. Additionally, we offer changing rooms and shower facilities for the convenience of our students.

Community & Events

We believe in fostering a supportive and inclusive community at UK Shaolin Centre. Throughout the year, we organise events, seminars, and workshops that allow students to connect with each other, learn from visiting masters, and deepen their understanding of Kung Fu. These events provide opportunities for personal growth, cultural exchange, and building lasting friendships.

Getting Started

Join us at the UK Shaolin Centre and experience the transformative power of Kung Fu. Discover your potential, refine your skills, and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to the timeless tradition of Shaolin martial arts.